import os import os.path from datetime import datetime from PhotoAlbum import Photo, Album, json_cache, set_cache_path_base class TreeWalker: def __init__(self, album_path, cache_path): self.album_path = album_path self.cache_path = cache_path set_cache_path_base(self.album_path) self.all_albums = list() self.all_photos = list() self.walk(album_path) self.remove_stale() def walk(self, path): print "Walking %s" % path cache = os.path.join(self.cache_path, json_cache(path)) cached = False cached_album = None if os.path.exists(cache): print "Has cache %s" % path cached_album = Album.from_cache(cache) if os.path.getmtime(path) <= os.path.getmtime(cache): print "Album is fully cached" cached = True album = cached_album if not cached: album = Album(path) for entry in os.listdir(path): entry = os.path.join(path, entry) if os.path.isdir(entry): album.add_album(self.walk(entry)) elif not cached and os.path.isfile(entry): cache_hit = False if cached_album: cached_photo = cached_album.photo_from_path(entry) if cached_photo and datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(entry)) <= cached_photo.attributes["DateTimeFile"]: print "Photo cache hit %s" % entry cache_hit = True photo = cached_photo if not cache_hit: print "No cache - scanning %s" % entry photo = Photo(entry, self.cache_path) if photo.is_valid: self.all_photos.append(photo) album.add_photo(photo) print "Writing cache of %s" % album.cache_path album.cache(self.cache_path) self.all_albums.append(album) return album def remove_stale(self): pass #TODO: remove left over caches