diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js index d1041af..35e1885 100644 --- a/src/main.js +++ b/src/main.js @@ -12,10 +12,18 @@ const app = createApp(App) Sentry.init({ app, dsn: "https://928141231c6c46718b9631004c903c3f@sentry.derdritte.net/3", + // This sets the sample rate to be 10%. You may want this to be 100% while + // in development and sample at a lower rate in production + replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1, + // If the entire session is not sampled, use the below sample rate to sample + // sessions when an error occurs. + replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0, + integrations: [ new Sentry.BrowserTracing({ routingInstrumentation: Sentry.vueRouterInstrumentation(router), }), + new Sentry.Replay() ], // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100% // of transactions for performance monitoring.